
This translation Translated Sugarizer/Activity TamTamMicro
TamTam Micro Activity
Following strings have same context and same source.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Blockrain

Change compared to this translation:

TBlockramTam Micro Activityn
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Abacus
Abacus Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TAbamTam Microus Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity XOEditor
XO Editor Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTamXO MEdictoro Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Gridpaint
Grid Paint Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TGrid PamTam Micront Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity PhysicsJS
Physics Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MPhysicros Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Reflection
Reflection Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MReflecticron Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity VideoViewer
Video Viewer Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTamVideo MVicewero Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Stopwatch
Stopwatch Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TStopwamTam Mitcroh Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity QRCode
QRCode Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MicrQRCode Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Game of Life
Game of Life Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TGamTame Mof Licrofe Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Record
Record Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MiRecorod Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Abecedarium
Abecedarium Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TAbecedariumTam Micro Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity LastOneLoses
Last One Loses Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TLamTamst MicrOne Loses Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Maze
Maze Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TMamTam Microze Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Calculate
Calculate Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TCamTlculam Microte Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Implode
Implode Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TaImTam Micrplode Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Flip
Flip Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MFlicrop Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Chat
Chat Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TChamTam Microt Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity SprintMath
Sprint Math Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTamSprint Microath Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Ebook Reader
Ebook Reader activity

Change compared to this translation:

TEbook ReamTder am Micro Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Calligra
Calligra activity

Change compared to this translation:

TCamTlligram Micro Aactivity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Planets
Planets Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TPlamTam Micronets Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity LabyrinthJS
Labyrinth Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TLamTam Mbyricronth Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity SharedNotes
Shared Notes Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TShamTamred MicrNotes Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Fototoon
FotoToon Activity

Change compared to this translation:

FotoTamTam Microon Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Paint
Paint Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TPamTam Micront Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Clock
Clock Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MiClocrok Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Constellation
Constellation Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TConstellamTam Mticron Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity TankOp
Tank Operation Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTnk Operam Mticron Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Speak
Speak Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TSpeamTam Microk Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Write
Write Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MWricrote Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Moon
Moon Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam Microon Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Story
Story Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MicStoroy Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity MindMath
Mind Math Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTamMind Microath Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Tangram
Tangram Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTngram Micro Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity FoodChain
FoodChain Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TFoodChamTam Micron Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Falabracman

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam Micro ActivityRules
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Vote
Vote Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MicrVote Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Measure
Measure Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TMeamTam Micsuroe Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity ColorMyWorld
Color My World Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTamColor Micy Worold Activity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Curriculum
Curriculum Activity

Change compared to this translation:

TamTam MCurricroulum Activity



Things to check


Source Translation
No related strings were found in the glossary.

Source information

Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
activities/TamTamMicro.activity/locales/en.json, translation unit 4
String priority
Failing checks