Sugarizer/Activity Blockrain
Welcome into the Blockrain activity. Blockrain is a tile-matching puzzle video game inspired by the classic Tetris game
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VBloteckrain activity. ThBlockrain is ac tivity will allow easy cre-mation of a poll system. Tche user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ,puzzle Tvidext,o Igamage-MCQ) and then share itnspired onby the nclassic Tetworkis so gany user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Gridpaint
Welcome into the Grid Paint activity. Grid Paint is a simple paint activity to draw pictures using a grid of triangles
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VoGrid Painte activity. ThGrid Paint is a simple paint activity willto drallow easy pictureation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending a grit, the statsd of the poll crian bgle viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity TamTamMicro
Tam Tam Micro é uma atividade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos
Change compared to this translation:
WelTam Tam Micome tro theé Voteuma activity.dade This pactivity will allow easy creation of a ptollcar syinsterum. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then toshare it on the network, sons any user could vote in real-time. After enuíding it, the statos of thde poll can be viewed and exported to differentes ftipormats
Sugarizer/Activity VideoViewer
Bem-vindo à atividade do visualizador de vídeo. Um navegador e visualizador para Khan Academy, vídeos Canopé e muito mais.
Change compared to this translation:
WBelcome t-vindo the Voteà activitydade do visualizador de vídeo. ThisUm nactivity will egalldow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewesualizador para Khan Academy, vídeos Canopé exported muito different formatis.
Sugarizer/Activity Stopwatch
Welcome to the Stopwatch activity. Stopwatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the VStopwatech activity. TStopwatch is a simple stopwatch. Itivity will allshows easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Iumage-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any usber could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of digital stopwatches. Each stopollwatch canis be viewed and exportend to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity QRCode
Welcome into the QRCode activity. QRCode activity is a simple QR Code generator and reader
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VQRCotde activity. ThisQRCode activity will allow easy creation of a simpoll system. The usQR Code gener can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ)r and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. Aftder ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Game of Life
Welcome into the Game of Life activity. Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the Votinto the Game of Life activity. This activitGame of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create y our owill allon and observe w easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formatshat happen
Sugarizer/Activity Record
Welcome into the Record activity. Record is a basic rich-media capture activity
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VRecoterd activity. ThRecord is a basic rich-media capture activity will allow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Abecedarium
Welcome into the Abecedarium activity. Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VotAbecedarium activity. ThAbecedarium is an abecedary activity wto learn illts allow phabeasy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Iimage-MCQ)s, sounds and then share it on the network dso any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity LastOneLoses
Welcome into the Last One Loses activity. Last One Loses is a small game where each player should avoid to take the last item on the board. You could play against the computer or against another player on the network
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the Voteinto the Last One Loses activity. This actiLast One Loses is a small game where each player should avity oid to take the last item on the board. You could play against the computer or against another player on the netwill allow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Maze
Welcome into the Maze activity. Maze activity is a simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VotMaze activity. ThisMaze activity wills a simplle maze game. Mowve through the masyze cto reach tion of a poll system. The ugoal. Each maze is larger can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then shamore difficult othan the last onetwork so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Calculate
Welcome into the Calculate activity. Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the Vointo the Calculate activity. Calculate is a calculator. This activite interface provides the simplest functions directly will allow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rabut it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Chat
Welcome to the Chat activity. This activity is an activity to Chat with other users present on the network
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the VoChate activity. This activity is an activity to Chat will allow easy creationh of a poll system. Ther users can cpreate a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Ebook Reader
Esta atividade é uma biblioteca que permite ler livros eletrônicos no formato ePub.
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome Esto the Votea actividade é uma biblioty.eca Thisque activpermity will allow easy creation of a poll system. The usler livros eletrônican create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formatso ePub.
Sugarizer/Activity Calligra
Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures.
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the VoteCalligra activity. This activity will allow easy creation of a pfun activity toll system. Thelp ukids lear can cureatsive a poll (Yes/No, Rawriting,: MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the nletwork so any user could vote in real-time. After ending its, thnumbe statrs or f the poll can be viewed and exported to diffegurent formats.
Sugarizer/Activity LabyrinthJS
Esta é uma atividade de mapa mental inicial. Um mapa mental é um diagrama utilizado para representar palavras, ideias, tarefas ou outros itens ligados e organizados em torno de uma palavra ou ideia central.
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WelEsta é uma atividade de mapa mental inicome to the Vote aial. Um mapa mental é um diagrama utilizado para representar palavras, ideias, tarefas ou outros itens ligados e organizados em torno de uma palavra ou ideia ctivityentral. This activity will allow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity SharedNotes
Essa atividade permite que você marque pequenas notas - como 'post-it' - em um quadro virtual, e então possa compartilha-las com outros usuários.
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the VoteEssa actividade permity.e Thique você marque pequenas notas - como 'post-it' - em um quadro virty will uallow, easy creantiãon of a possa compartilha-las com outrosystem. The useuár can create a pioll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Fototoon
FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip
Change compared to this translation:
WelcFome to the VTote activity. This activity willon allow easyou creation of a poll system. The use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create ain pollfew (Yminutes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in remal-time. After endzing comit, thec stats of the ripoll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Paint
Welcome into the Paint activity. Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VoPainte activity. ThPaint is an activity will alltow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create pa poll (Yes/No, Rainting, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After endwing it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Clock
O relógio é uma atividade simples para aprender a ler e contar as horas
Change compared to this translation:
WO relcome tógio theé Voteuma activity.dade Thsimples pactivity willra allow easy cpreation ofder a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After e conding it, the statr as of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Constellation
Welcome into the Constellation activity. Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VConstellation activity. ThConstellation is acn offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky willfrom alny low easy creation of a poll system. The user can cEareate a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity Story
Welcome in Story activity. The Story Activity uses images to prompt you to tell a story. You should try to tell a story that ties the images together into a comprehensive narrative.
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome in Sto the Votery activity. Thise aStory Activity wuses images to prompt you to tell a story. You should try to tellow easy creation of a poll system. The useor can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) andy then share it onties the nimages togetwoherk sinto any user could mprehensivote in areral-timve. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats
Sugarizer/Activity TankOp
Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VTank Operatioten activity. Thisank activity will allow Opeasy creation ofis a poll system. The user can arcrade game that helps akids poll (Yes/No, Rracting, MCQ, Tcext, Image-MCQ) and thenir shmare it on the network so fany user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of withe poll can be viewed and exported to different level oforma difficultsy
Sugarizer/Activity Speak
Welcome into the Speak activity. Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VotSpeak activity. ThSpeak is talking face. Anythiving you type will be spoken allow easy creation of a poll system. Theud user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the statpeech s of ynthe poll can be vsiewed and exported to diffzerent formats
Sugarizer/Activity Write
Welcome into the Write activity. The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children. Like a standard word processor, you will be able to format your text using buttons in the toolbar
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome to the Vointo the Write activity. Thise Write activity will allow easy creation ois a basic word processor with a simple interf aace for children. Like a standard word poll systerocessor, you will be able to form. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Ratat your text using, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats buttons in the toolbar
Sugarizer/Activity Moon
Welcome into the Moon activity. Moon activity is Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome into the VMoteon activity. ThisMoon activity wills allMow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewer, includes Lunar phase information and excliportsed to different formatsa
Sugarizer/Activity Falabracman
Collect the letters of the target word shown in top left in correct order. Warning: you have to move without getting drowned in ponds!
Change compared to this translation:
WCollelcome to the Vote activity. This activity will allow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the target word shown in topo lleft in can be viewed and exporrect ordedr. Warning: you have to dmove wifferenthout fgetting drormatwned in ponds!
Sugarizer/Activity Curriculum
Welcome in Curriculum activity. Curriculum is an activity to self evaluate your skills. You can acquire different skills from multiple categories and upload media elements to demonstrate it
Change compared to this translation:
Welcome toin the VoteCurriculum activity. ThCurriculum is an activity wto self evaluate your skill allow easy creation of a poll system. The Youser can acquireate a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different skills from multiple categories and upload media elements to demonstratse it