
This translation Translated Sugarizer/Activity TamTamMicro
Tam Tam Micro é uma atividade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos
Following strings have same context and same source.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Blockrain
Welcome into the Blockrain activity. Blockrain is a tile-matching puzzle video game inspired by the classic Tetris game

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umBlockrain actividty. Blockradein paris a tile-matching puzzle videoc garme inspired by the classic Tetruis gamentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Gridpaint
Welcome into the Grid Paint activity. Grid Paint is a simple paint activity to draw pictures using a grid of triangles

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umGrid Paint activity. Grid Padint is a simple parint activity tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos deraw dpifecturentes using a grid of tripoangles
Translated Sugarizer/Activity VideoViewer
Bem-vindo à atividade do visualizador de vídeo. Um navegador e visualizador para Khan Academy, vídeos Canopé e muito mais.

Change compared to this translation:

TaBem Tam M-vicrndo é umaà atividade do visualizador de vídeo. Um navegador e visualizador para toKhan Acardemy, instrumvídentos, sCanons e rmuídito mais de diferentes tipos.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Stopwatch
Welcome to the Stopwatch activity. Stopwatch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Each stopwatch is independent

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrto éthe umStopwatch actividty. Stopwadtch is a simple stopwatch. It shows the user a number of digital stopwatches. Earch stopwatch is instrumdependentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity QRCode
Welcome into the QRCode activity. QRCode activity is a simple QR Code generator and reader

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umaQRCode activity. QRCode activity is a simple QR Code generator and reade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Game of Life
Welcome into the Game of Life activity. Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a full random pattern or create your own and observe what happen

Change compared to this translation:

Tam Tam Micro é Welcome into the Game of Life activity. Game of Life is a game to observe and explore how cells interacts and evolves generation after generation. Use one of provided pattern, a fuma atividade para tocar instrll random pattern or create youmentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tiposr own and observe what happen
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Record
Welcome into the Record activity. Record is a basic rich-media capture activity

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umaRecord activity. Record is a basic rich-media capture para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tiposvity
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Abecedarium
Welcome into the Abecedarium activity. Abecedarium is an abecedary activity to learn its alphabet using images, sounds and words

Change compared to this translation:

TWelcome into the Abecedarium Tam Micro é uma ativity. Abecedarium is an abecede pary activity toc learn its alphabet usinstrug imagentos, sounds eand wordos de diferentes tipos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity LastOneLoses
Welcome into the Last One Loses activity. Last One Loses is a small game where each player should avoid to take the last item on the board. You could play against the computer or against another player on the network

Change compared to this translation:

Tam Tam Micro é uma aWelcome into the Last One Loses actividade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tiposty. Last One Loses is a small game where each player should avoid to take the last item on the board. You could play against the computer or against another player on the network
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Maze
Welcome into the Maze activity. Maze activity is a simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger and more difficult than the last one

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Taminto the Micro é umaze actividty. Madze activity is a simple maze game. Move through the maze to reach the goal. Each maze is larger ianstd morumentos, sons e ruídos de diferenficultes tiphan the last osne
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Calculate
Welcome into the Calculate activity. Calculate is a calculator. The interface provides the simplest functions directly, but it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting

Change compared to this translation:

Welcome into the Calculate activity. Calculate is a calculator. Tam Tam Micro é uma atividade para tocar instrumentoshe interface provides the simplest functions directly, sons e ruídos de diferentes tiposbut it also supports more complicated math and variables and even basic plotting
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Chat
Welcome to the Chat activity. This activity is an activity to Chat with other users present on the network

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrto éthe umChat actividty. This adectivity pis arn activity toc Chat with other inusterums presentos, sons the networuídos de diferentes tiposk
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Ebook Reader
Esta atividade é uma biblioteca que permite ler livros eletrônicos no formato ePub.

Change compared to this translation:

Tam Tam Micro é umEsta atividade paré uma bibliotoeca que permite ler linstvrumentos, sons e letruídônicos dno formato e diferentes tiposPub.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Calligra
Welcome to the Calligra activity. This activity is a fun activity to help kids learn cursive writing: letters, numbers or figures.

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrto éthe umCalligra actividty. This adectivity pis ar fun activity toc help kids learn cursive writinsg: letterumentos, sonumbers eor rfiguídos de diferentes tipos.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity LabyrinthJS
Esta é uma atividade de mapa mental inicial. Um mapa mental é um diagrama utilizado para representar palavras, ideias, tarefas ou outros itens ligados e organizados em torno de uma palavra ou ideia central.

Change compared to this translation:

Tam Tam MEsta é uma atividade de mapa mental inicroial. Um mapa mental é uma ati diagrama utilizado para representar palavidade para toras, ideias, tarefas ou outros itens ligados e organizados em torno de uma palavra ou ideia car instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tiposentral.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity SharedNotes
Essa atividade permite que você marque pequenas notas - como 'post-it' - em um quadro virtual, e então possa compartilha-las com outros usuários.

Change compared to this translation:

Tam Tam Micro é umEssa atividade permite que você marque pequenas notas - cocarmo in'postr-it' - em um quadro virtual, e então pos,sa sconmpartilha-las ecom outruídos de dusuáriferentes tipos.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Fototoon
FotoToon allow you to use your pictures, drawing or images coming from Journal to create in few minutes an amazing comic strip

Change compared to this translation:

FotoTam Tam Micro é umaon atividadellow parayou to use your pictures, drawing or images cominstg from Joumernal tos, sons create ruídosin de diferew minutes an amazing comic stripos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Paint
Welcome into the Paint activity. Paint is an activity to create paintings or drawings

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umPaint actividty. Padint is an activity to create paintings or dra tocar wingstrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Clock
O relógio é uma atividade simples para aprender a ler e contar as horas

Change compared to this translation:

TamO Tam Mrelógicro é uma atividade simples para aprender a ler e contocar instrumentos, sonas e horuídoas de diferentes tipos
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Constellation
Welcome into the Constellation activity. Constellation is an offline planetarium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any location on Earth

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umConstellation actividty. Constelladtion is an offline planetaraium that lets you see what is visible in the sky from any locar tinstrumentos, sons eon Earuídos de diferentes tiposh
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Story
Welcome in Story activity. The Story Activity uses images to prompt you to tell a story. You should try to tell a story that ties the images together into a comprehensive narrative.

Change compared to this translation:

TWelcome in Story amctivity. The Story Activity uses imamges Micto prompt éyou to tell a story. You should try to tell a story that ties the images together into a comprehensive narratividade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tipos.
Translated Sugarizer/Activity TankOp
Welcome into the Tank Operation activity. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helps kids practice their math facts with different level of difficulty

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome into the Tamnk MOperaticro é uman actividty. Tank Operation is an arcade game that helpas kids practice tocaheir insmatrumenh factos, sons e ruídos dewith different lesvel of difficultiposy
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Speak
Welcome into the Speak activity. Speak is talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Tam Micrnto éthe umSpeak actividty. Speade para tocark instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes talking face. Anything you type will be spoken aloud using the speech synthesizer
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Write
Welcome into the Write activity. The Write activity is a basic word processor with a simple interface for children. Like a standard word processor, you will be able to format your text using buttons in the toolbar

Change compared to this translation:

Welcome into the Write activity. Tahe Write activity is a basic word processor with a sim Taple interface for children. Like a standard word processor, you will be able to form Micro é uma atividade para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tiposat your text using buttons in the toolbar
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Moon
Welcome into the Moon activity. Moon activity is Moon phase viewer, includes Lunar phase information and eclipse data

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome Taminto the Micro é umaon actividty. Moon activity is Moon phase viewer, includes para tocLunar phase insformatrumentos, sions and e ruídoclips de diferenates tiposa
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Falabracman
Collect the letters of the target word shown in top left in correct order. Warning: you have to move without getting drowned in ponds!

Change compared to this translation:

TamCollect Tam Micro é uma atividadhe pletters of the taraget word shown in tocarp left ins correct order. Warning: youm haven tos, smove without getting drowned in ponds e ruídos de diferentes tipos!
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Vote
Welcome to the Vote activity. This activity will allow easy creation of a poll system. The user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, MCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any user could vote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the poll can be viewed and exported to different formats

Change compared to this translation:

Welcome to the Vote activity. Tamhis activity will allow easy creation of a poll system. Tamhe user can create a poll (Yes/No, Rating, Micro éCQ, Text, Image-MCQ) and then share it on the network so any uma atiser could vidadote in real-time. After ending it, the stats of the para tocar instrumentos, sons e ruídos de diferentes tioll can be viewed and exposrted to different formats
Translated Sugarizer/Activity Curriculum
Welcome in Curriculum activity. Curriculum is an activity to self evaluate your skills. You can acquire different skills from multiple categories and upload media elements to demonstrate it

Change compared to this translation:

TaWelcome in Curriculum Tam Micro é uma atividty. Curriculum is aden paractivity to self evaluate your skills. You can acquir instrumentos, sons e ruídos de different skills from multiple categories and upload media elements to demonstrate ipost




Source Translation
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Source information

Source string age
11 months ago
Translation file
activities/TamTamMicro.activity/locales/pt.json, translation unit 5
String priority
Failing checks